September 20, 2010

Ethnology Museum in Leiden

Wayang Golek from Cirebon (see motif on the small sarong) from beginning of the 19e century

Last weekend I went to Leiden to build up my wallpaper installation "The journey of Batik" for the Artroute. I couldn't remember the last time I was in Leiden, it's a really beautiful city with a typical Dutch atmosphere.
When I was finished at the Scheltema Complex I went to the Museum Volkenkunde (Ethnology Museum). I always try to go to museums when I'm in a city and have some spare time. This museum is really great, it has beautiful old things from all over the world, and a large part of the things are from Indonesia.

I made a lot of photos to share with you all, enjoy!

Overview of the Batiks in museum collection

From Banyumas, Jawa Tengah, detail a kain panjang from before 1878

From Banyumas, Jawa Tengah, detail a kain panjang from before 1878

From Banyumas, Jawa Tengah, detail a kain panjang from before 1878

From Sulawesi Tengah, Indonesia, before 1958, party clothing made of tree bark

From Sulawesi Tengah, Indonesia, before 1901, Painting on tree bark

From Sumatra Utara, Indonesia, before 1889, Pustaha ( priest book) made of tree bark and leather, writings are called Kawi

From Kalimatan Barat, Indonesia, before 1893, to cover up food, I would like one to cover up my ricecarpets

Tree Bark art from Fiji. This one is made in 1973 to celebrate the first birthday of Pauline

To paint the bark they sometimes use templates

More info about the Museum Volkenkunde in Leiden on

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