October 1, 2016

Happy Hari Batik

'Ghost & Coffee' Batik by Ibu Sium from Batang region

Made these 'Batik Statements' in Barbara & Joko's garden wearing the Batiks I gathered during my short travels on Java.
I wish everyone a great Batik Day! Especially hope it is a great day for all the Pembatiks who make it possible for use to enjoy this beautiful Art! Thank these artists on 2 October by wearing Batik Tulis (real Batik people! Not printed textiles!). And if you do, please share your outfit with #batikstatement!

White with red Batik by 14 years old Nurul and Darker red with white Batik by 70 years old Mak Sium


Batik Fractal shirt with JBatik Batik Tulis

 Blue Batik with coffee, tea, flowers, boats and elephants by Mak Sium

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